Miranda Wise
Life Reclamation Coach
Does This Sound Like You?

You beat yourself up after doing impulsive things that you regret.
You have a hard time saying “no” to things because you’re worried about what might happen.
You end up overcomplicating your plans to reach goals so much that the whole thing becomes too daunting.
You struggle with making time for intentional fun or rest because you never feel like you’ve gotten “enough” done.
You’re uncomfortable showing your true self because you’ve internalized the belief that you’re “too much” or “too sensitive.”
You’re worried you’re missing out on joy in the present because you’re often distracted by something else.
Imagine a Life Where…
You go through your day doing what matters most with more clarity, flow and ease, ending the day feeling satisfied with what you did and didn’t do.
You can turn towards yourself with compassion, care, and kindness while maintaining gentle accountability.
You can make boundaries clearly and confidently, with less fear and more inner peace.
You have appreciation for yourself as you are, and feel confident in your inherent worth.
You’re proud of the way you’re showing up in your life, the goals you’re setting, and the progress you’re making.
You’re creating deep and lasting change in your life by disrupting old patterns.

Let's Work Together

I know what it’s like to feel simultaneously not good enough and “too much” at the same time. For a long time, I didn’t think much about my childhood ADHD diagnosis nor understand how I’d been affected by my dysfunctional family of origin.
I tried to power through life to make the picture of adulthood happen, with financial freedom and a happy family. But no matter how much I planned or how hard I worked, unaddressed complex childhood trauma polluted my work and relationships through debilitating patterns of procrastination, people pleasing, and perfectionism.
Over the years, I deepened my self awareness.
I practiced acknowledging and honoring my emotions, identifying and changing the unhelpful “stories” I was telling myself, listening to the voice of my authentic self over my inner critic, and re-parenting myself in a way that included accommodating my ADHD.
I learned to deeply know and love myself, and make conscious choices from that place to create the life I wanted. Now I want to help you do the same.
I am certified as a Trauma Informed Coach through Moving The Human Spirit. It is the only trauma-informed coaching training accredited by the International Coaching Federation.
3 Months Of Support

The coaching program I offer is unique and high-touch:
1:1 sessions with Miranda via Zoom
Bi-monthly 90 minute coaching sessions via Zoom, for a total of 6 coaching sessions
Recordings of our sessions so you can focus on being present without taking notes, yet still be able to revisit the discussion later
Email and Voxer access to Miranda 5 days a week to ask questions and get support between sessions
All access pass to The Life Reclamation Toolbox
An ever-evolving, organized collection of all of the self healing, organizing, and productivity resources I have created over the past decade through today, available for you to download and browse for the duration of the program
Personalized recommendations for other resources as needed
The investment for this program is $3,000 USD. Payment plans are available.
Coaching Results & Testimonials
Invest In Your Peace
Whether years of being a misunderstood square peg expected to fit in a round hole was traumatic in and of itself, or your square-peg-tendencies are the result of the way your brain developed because of childhood trauma, or both, it is evident that ADHD and complex childhood trauma go hand-in-hand.
I believe that labels are only as useful as the support they open the door to. So it doesn’t matter to me if you or anyone else believes you “really have” ADHD, CPTSD, or anything else. If you have a hard time compassionately witnessing your thoughts, feelings and beliefs long enough to make conscious choices that honor your authentic self, you’re in the right place.
It’s really hard to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings when your brain’s response to pain and unpleasantness is to tune it out and escape into something more fun and engaging.
That’s why my approach to parts work is a creative, flexible, and simple way of organizing your inner world. It’s a way of slowing down to examine what’s going on inside that balances doing with feeling.
ADHDers and people with childhood trauma have often internalized a loud inner critic voice in their heads that shames them in hard situations for not “just getting it done,” or not being “good enough,” or “overreacting” because they’re “too sensitive.” The additional pain this inner antagonist causes interferes with the internal felt sense of safety needed to be present and honest with your thoughts and feelings. Creating a new gentle voice of self compassion is key to constructing that foundation of safety.
In coaching sessions, I hold space and ask you powerful questions to empower you to get in touch with your own insights.
I believe that you are already creative and resourceful, not broken. Therefore I don’t believe this work is about “fixing” you, but rather providing support as you practice radical acceptance and take aligned action to create the life you want.
I’ve seen how developing deep self-awareness and self love changed the way I experience work, relationships, and life. I’d love to help you make change too.

Can you come over to my space and organize my things?I no longer offer hands-on, in-person organizing. My mission as an organizer is to teach the skills needed to get organized now, maintain that organization over time, and be able to more easily tackle any future tangible (physical items & space) and intangible (information, thoughts, tasks, projects, etc.) organizing projects that come up. This is accomplished more effectively and for less money by learning the skills I teach through virtual organizing. The organizing skills I teach can serve you the rest of your life, and are applicable to many other things.
How do I know that working with you will get me to where I want to be?Results are most likely for you if you’re committed to investing the necessary time, money, and energy into your transformation. The best way to figure out if this program is right for you is to fill out the application and then book a no-obligation, free discovery Zoom call.
How can I get other questions about virtual organizing answered?After you fill out an application, I will be in touch about scheduling a no-cost, no-obligation discovery call via Zoom where you can ask all of your questions. The call also gives you the chance to get a feel for what talking to me is like, so you can further determine if working with me would be a good fit for you.